# # $Id: rocks_getrolls.py,v 1.5 2012/11/27 00:48:01 phil Exp $ # # @Copyright@ # # Rocks(r) # www.rocksclusters.org # version 5.6 (Emerald Boa) # version 6.1 (Emerald Boa) # # Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice unmodified and in its entirety, this list of conditions and the # following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # # 3. All advertising and press materials, printed or electronic, mentioning # features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: # # "This product includes software developed by the Rocks(r) # Cluster Group at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the # University of California, San Diego and its contributors." # # 4. Except as permitted for the purposes of acknowledgment in paragraph 3, # neither the name or logo of this software nor the names of its # authors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this # software without specific prior written permission. The name of the # software includes the following terms, and any derivatives thereof: # "Rocks", "Rocks Clusters", and "Avalanche Installer". For licensing of # the associated name, interested parties should contact Technology # Transfer & Intellectual Property Services, University of California, # San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0910, La Jolla, CA 92093-0910, # Ph: (858) 534-5815, FAX: (858) 534-7345, E-MAIL:invent@ucsd.edu # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # @Copyright@ # # $Log: rocks_getrolls.py,v $ # Revision 1.5 2012/11/27 00:48:01 phil # Copyright Storm for Emerald Boa # # Revision 1.4 2012/10/11 02:51:55 clem # first fix to have a single partition Frontend # # Revision 1.3 2012/05/06 05:48:10 phil # Copyright Storm for Mamba # # Revision 1.2 2012/02/14 23:09:32 phil # Clean up popen2 --> subprocess. # yuminstall.py -- don't get .treeinfo # # Revision 1.1 2012/01/23 19:48:57 phil # directory for Rocks version 5 and Rocks version 6 specific include files. # initiall installclass and installclasses. could also be node files # # Revision 1.8 2010/09/07 23:52:46 bruno # star power for gb # # Revision 1.7 2009/05/01 19:06:48 mjk # chimi con queso # # Revision 1.6 2008/10/31 20:35:25 bruno # resiliency fix -- try harder (and timeout) when trying to get roll directory # listings # # Revision 1.5 2008/10/18 00:55:45 mjk # copyright 5.1 # # Revision 1.4 2008/05/22 21:02:06 bruno # rocks-dist is dead! # # moved default location of distro from /export/home/install to # /export/rocks/install # # Revision 1.3 2008/03/06 23:41:30 mjk # copyright storm on # # Revision 1.2 2008/01/04 21:40:52 bruno # closer to V # # Revision 1.1 2007/12/10 21:28:32 bruno # the base roll now contains several elements from the HPC roll, thus # making the HPC roll optional. # # this also includes changes to help build and configure VMs for V. # # import os import os.path import string import subprocess import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # # This is hacky, but it works. # Since anaconda is called with RedHat's native python (/usr/bin/python), it # imports the xml module from its path. Once the xml module is imported, then # all other 'child' xml modules will be imported from this 'prefix'. That is, # when rocks.roll tries to import xml.dom.ext.read.Sax2, it will start at # /usr/lib64/python2.6/xml and never jump over to # /opt/rocks/lib/python2.6/xml. So we need to unload the xml module first # import sys del sys.modules['xml'] sys.path.append('/opt/rocks/lib/python2.6/site-packages') import rocks.media import rocks.roll import rocks.installcgi import rocks.file def RocksGetRolls(anaconda): # # download the selected rolls # # # if there isn't a /tmp/rolls.xml file or if this is a client install, # then there is are no rolls to fetch -- so return # media = rocks.media.Media() if not os.path.exists('/tmp/rolls.xml'): if media.mounted(): media.ejectCD() return # # in a default installation, make sure /export points to a partition # *not* on the '/' partition # cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir('/mnt/sysimage') if not os.path.exists('state'): os.mkdir('state') if not os.path.exists('state/partition1'): os.mkdir('state/partition1') try: os.symlink('state/partition1', 'export') except: pass os.chdir(cwd) # # get the roll list by parsing /tmp/rolls.xml # generator = rocks.roll.Generator() generator.parse('/tmp/rolls.xml') cwd = os.getcwd() # # get all the CD-based rolls first # diskids = [] for roll in generator.rolls: (name, version, arch, url, diskid) = roll if diskid != '' and diskid not in diskids: diskids.append(diskid) diskids.sort() for d in diskids: # # ask the user to put the right media in the bay # checkCD(anaconda, media, d) # # then, for each selected roll on this disk, copy it # for roll in generator.rolls: (name, version, arch, url, diskid) = roll if diskid == d: downloadRoll(anaconda, roll) if media.mounted(): media.ejectCD() # # now get all the network rolls # for roll in generator.rolls: (rollname, rollversion, rollarch, rollurl, diskid) = roll if diskid != '': continue downloadRoll(anaconda, roll) os.chdir(cwd) # # rebuild the distro # w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Rocks-Dist"), _("Rebuilding the Distribution...")) cmd = '/opt/rocks/bin/rocks report distro' for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines(): distrodir = line[:-1] rootdir = '/mnt/sysimage/%s' % (distrodir) path = '' try: path = os.environ['PATH'] except: pass # # need this path so rocks-dist uses the 'rpm' binary from the rocks # path and not the 'busybox' rpm # os.environ['PATH'] = '/mnt/runtime/rocks/bin:' + path installcgi = rocks.installcgi.InstallCGI(rootdir) installcgi.createPopt() installcgi.rebuildDistro(generator.rolls) # # make sure the link to the repository is correct for the package # installation portion of the install # arch = os.uname()[4] if arch in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']: arch = 'i386' subprocess.call('umount /mnt/cdrom', shell=True) subprocess.call('rm -rf /mnt/cdrom', shell=True) dir = '/mnt/sysimage/%s/rocks-dist/%s/' % (distrodir, arch) subprocess.call('ln -s %s /mnt/cdrom' % (dir), shell=True) w.pop() return def checkCD(anaconda, media, diskname): # # check that it is the right roll CD # found_disk = 'false' while found_disk == 'false': diskid = media.getId() if diskname == diskid: found_disk = 'true' if found_disk == 'false': media.ejectCD() anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Install Roll"), _("Put Roll disk") + " '%s' " % (diskname) + _("in the drive\n")) return def downloadRoll(anaconda, roll): (rollname, rollversion, rollarch, rollurl, diskid) = roll w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Downloading"), _("Downloading Roll") + " '%s' " % (rollname)) # # test if this roll is in rocks format # isrocksroll = 1 u = string.split(rollurl, '/') if len(u) > 2 and u[2] == '': # # all CDs and DVDs will have the loopback IP address as the # the host name, so let's see if a specific directory exists # that will indicate to us if this is a rocks roll or # a or 'foreign' roll # p = os.path.join('/mnt/cdrom', rollname, rollversion, rollarch) if not os.path.exists(p): isrocksroll = 0 path = os.path.join(rollname, rollversion, rollarch) cmd = '/opt/rocks/bin/rocks report distro' for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines(): distrodir = line[:-1] localpath = '/mnt/sysimage/%s/rolls/%s' % (distrodir, path) if isrocksroll: url = '%s' % os.path.join(rollurl, path) else: # # this is not a rocks roll, so append the keywords 'RedHat' # and 'RPMS' onto the local directory name. this allows us # to use CentOS and Scientific Linux CDs # localpath = os.path.join(localpath, 'RedHat', 'RPMS') # # change the url to point to the RPMS directory # cdtree = rocks.file.Tree('/mnt/cdrom') dirpath = '' for dir in cdtree.getDirs(): d = string.split(dir, '/') if d[-1] == 'RPMS': dirpath = dir break url = os.path.join('', dirpath) cutdirs = len(string.split(url[7:], '/')) if isrocksroll: # # for rolls in rocks format, make sure we copy all the # files from the roll (e.g., 'RedHat' and 'base' directories) # this is useful for the kernel roll. # cutdirs -= 1 subprocess.call('mkdir -p %s' % localpath, shell=True) os.chdir(localpath) if os.path.exists('/tmp/updates/rocks/bin/wget'): wget = '/tmp/updates/rocks/bin/wget' else: wget = '/usr/bin/wget' # # add resiliency flags to wget # flags = '--dns-timeout=3 --connect-timeout=3 --read-timeout=10 ' flags += '--tries=3' cmd = '%s -m -nv -np -nH %s --cut-dirs=%d %s' \ % (wget, flags, cutdirs, url) cmd += ' >> /tmp/wget.debug' subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) subprocess.call('echo "%s" >> /tmp/wget.debug' % (cmd), shell=True) w.pop() return