This is a disk image created from DELL_MULTI-DEVICE_A20_R271714.exe for pxe booting. It has been setup for "batch" mode execution of disk updates. No user interaction is needed. There is however no network notification of completetion. You can either run it and wait, assuming it is complete, or run it and monitor via local console. To create this, unpacked the .exe file on a Windows host. Then look in the files dir and find autoexec.bat. Modify like so: === rockwell@cap ~/R271714/files > diff autoexec.bat.orig autoexec.bat 37c37 < set headLess=0 --- > set headLess=1 47c47 < call nautilus %pat% --- > call nautilus -b Then run the dddp.exe and make disk image. For pxebooting, use memdisk as the kernel and this as the initrd. > rocks add bootaction action=delldisk kernel="kernel memdisk" ramdisk="delldisk/delldisk.img" args="" > rocks set host runaction cc-104-2 action=delldisk Then have: > cat /tftpboot/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg/0A0A81D5 default rocks prompt 0 label rocks kernel memdisk append initrd=delldisk/delldisk.img Tom Rockwell July 2010