2.2. Packages

A Rocks roll requires that all packages contained in the roll must be in the native format of the OS. For Redhat-based Rocks clusters, this means all packages must be RPMS.

This guide covers a few ways to deal with RPMs. Already built, hand-built in a directory, and compiled RPMs. The last (compiled RPMs) is by far the most common.

2.2.1. The Software is Already in an RPM

If the software you wish to install is already in RPM format, you can directly put it into the roll source tree. For example, to put the RPM unzip-5.52-3.el5.x86_64.rpm into the Valgrind Roll, execute:

# mkdir -p /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64
# cp /tmp/unzip-5.52-3.el5.x86_64.rpm /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64

2.2.2. Bundle an Existing Subdirectory into an RPM

If your application is already installed on your frontend and you would like to bundle its subdirectory into and RPM, you can create an RPM that contains all the files in a subdirectory. For example, let's say you want to create an RPM from all the files under /opt/stream. You can execute:

# rocks create package /opt/stream stream

This will create a package named stream-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm in the current working directory. To see the contents of the package, execute:

# rpm -qlp stream-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm 

There are several more options you can supply to "rocks create package" (execute "rocks create package help" to see all the options).

Now place the RPM into the correct directory within the roll:

# mkdir -p /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64
# cp stream-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64

2.2.3. Create an RPM from a Source Code Tarball (Compiled RPM)

The most common way we create RPMS is from source tarballs (the classic: untar, ./configure, make, make install). Rocks has a set of Makefile includes that greatly simplifies the creation of RPMs. Most software can be packaged as an RPM without ever seeing the internals of the package format.

First, we'll download the source tarball into the correct directory:

# cd /export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind
# wget http://valgrind.org/downloads/valgrind-3.6.0.tar.bz2

Edit version.mk and change NAME = test to NAME = valgrind, change TARBALL_POSTFIX = tgz to TARBALL_POSTFIX = tar.bz2, change PKGROOT = /opt/valgrind to PKGROOT = /opt,and change VERSION = 1.0 to VERSION = 3.6.0. Your version.mk should look like:

PKGROOT		= /opt
NAME    	= valgrind
VERSION 	= 3.6.0

Edit Makefile and change the line: gunzip -c to bzcat (since the tarball is a bz2).

Now build the RPM:

# make rpm

It will take several minutes to build the package. When it completes, you'll see the line:

Wrote: /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64/valgrind-3.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm

You can inspect the contents of the valgrind RPM:

# rpm -qlp /export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64/valgrind-3.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Note that the valgrind-3.6.0-1.x86_64.rpm RPM was automatically placed into the correct directory (/export/src/roll/valgrind/RPMS/x86_64).


If you want to pass different configure options to for your build, edit your Makefile.

2.2.4. The RPM Makefile Process

The Rocks Makefile include structure is invoked from the sample Makefile in the lines.

-include $(ROCKSROOT)/etc/Rules.mk
include Rules.mk

The main purpose of this structure is to create the correct files so that the rpmbuild can work properly. The core of Rocks builds more than 300 different packages, and our goal was to eliminate the creation of custom RPM spec files. Spec files are the text files that drive the overall package creation.

Let's look at the other directories created on demand when you type make rpm. The roll directory structure now looks like before:

└── valgrind
    ├── graphs
    │   └── default
    ├── nodes
    └── src
        ├── usersguide
        │   └── images
        └── valgrind

and AFTER make rpm is executed.

└── valgrind
    ├── BUILD
    │   └── valgrind-3.6.0
    ├── graphs
    │   └── default
    ├── nodes
    ├── RPMS
    │   ├── noarch
    │   └── x86_64
    ├── SOURCES
    ├── SPECS
    ├── src
    │   ├── usersguide
    │   └── valgrind
    └── SRPMS

The important directories are BUILD, SOURCES, SPECS, and RPMS. This is the structure that rpmbuild is expecting. It is worth looking at the contents of the directories in some detail.

Let's take a look at the contents of the BUILD directory

└── valgrind-3.6.0
    ├── _arch
    ├── _distribution
    ├── Makefile
    ├── _os
    ├── python.mk
    ├── rocks-version-common.mk
    ├── rocks-version.mk
    ├── Rules-install.mk
    ├── Rules-linux-centos.mk
    ├── Rules-linux.mk
    ├── Rules.mk
    ├── Rules-rcfiles.mk
    ├── Rules-scripts.mk
    ├── test-1.0.tgz
    ├── valgrind-3.6.0
    ├── valgrind-3.6.0.tar.bz2
    └── version.mk

The Makefile is the same file as the src/valgrind directory. The file valgrind-3.6.0.tar.bz2 is also the same. How the SPEC file does it's building/installing

Ultimately, the program rpmbuild must be called to do its work. The generated spec file (valgrind.spec) is used to drive the rpmbuild process. RPM spec files can be very complicated, Rocks takes a very simple approach, essentially ignorning many of the advanced capabilities of RPM specification.

What follows here is an abbreviated spec file. It's beyond this guide to describe in detail options in a spec file. A number of web resources are available if more in-depth information is desired.

Summary: valgrind
Name: valgrind
Version: 3.6.0
Release: 1
Source: valgrind-3.6.0.tar.gz
Buildroot: /export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind/valgrind.buildroot
printf "\n\n\n### build ###\n\n\n"
BUILDROOT=/export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind/valgrind.buildroot make -f /export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind/valgrind.spec.mk build
printf "\n\n\n### install ###\n\n\n"
BUILDROOT=/export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind/valgrind.buildroot make -f /export/src/roll/valgrind/src/valgrind/valgrind.spec.mk install

The generated spec file must have %build and %install sections to, respectively, build and install software. The concept is very simple, the %build section of the spec simply directs rpmbuild to call make build.

The last section is %files which takes "/" as the default. This will package ALL files that have installed into the BUILDROOT directory.